Saturday, January 30, 2010

If Your Pregnant What Dose Your Mucous Look Like Bleeding Five Days After Your Period And It Is A Pinkish Color Dose That Mean I Am Pregnant?

Bleeding five days after your period and it is a pinkish color dose that mean i am pregnant? - if your pregnant what dose your mucous look like

I almost had a similar problem ... I want my period one or two weeks later he added a little blood. What I have said that I did not eat well, I have my body too hard ... Most of them do not get all the nutrients I needed. Or may not be the case, but thought I'd share.


Anonymous said...

welll if u had ur time ur! silly

Anonymous said...

If you had your time and it is normal, namely, the normal flow and cramping, etc., then you are probably not pregnant. I feel as though they are still bleeding but very light, which is pink when you wipe after urination. When you're young, everything is possible that your cycle is still on the Fritz. If it persists, contact your doctor.

Anonymous said...

If you had your time and it is normal, namely, the normal flow and cramping, etc., then you are probably not pregnant. I feel as though they are still bleeding but very light, which is pink when you wipe after urination. When you're young, everything is possible that your cycle is still on the Fritz. If it persists, contact your doctor.

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