Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top Of Foot Tattoo How Much Does It Hurt To Get A Tattoo On Top Of Your Foot?

How much does it hurt to get a tattoo on top of your foot? - top of foot tattoo

Would a tattoo on the foot of more than taking a hand in the leg hurt?


russians... said...

I've tattooed both of my feet, they are very thin to begin with. I really think his mental game well, or just a question of tolerance. I have a high tolerance for pain, I am a small person ... Then I began to do so I had to ask a conversation with my great artists, and kept his eyes in the room, look at the artwork on the walls. Not lying when I say that I knew before the end ...., If you keep your eyes focused on something entirely different than the pain will not try so bad. Your baby is all mental! - Individual tolerance is what my reply. Everything depends on you and your contribution to the ability of his attention on something else.

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