Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Migraine Diet Migraine/Headache And Gluten Free Or Any Other Diet?

Migraine/Headache and gluten free or any other diet? - migraine diet

Hi anyone tryed migraine gluen free and escaped a headacs? or any other diet


Anama said...

YES! My brother is like a sensitivity to gluten and gluten-free party, he feels much better.
Migraine headaches are a symptom of celiac disease. Before I GF, you need a T-TG and anti-endomysium has AIG as soon as possible!
My blinding migraines disappeared since my diagnosis and went gf!
Good luck, hope it solves the problem for you!

Rose said...

I have celiac disease, the me from eating gluten .... I have a headache prevented from time to time, but I think they are not eating due to stress, to gluten .... If you believe that you want the gluten-free diet because of their migraines, talk to your doctor and try gastrointerologist .... to gastrointerologist specializes in digestive problems and for celiac test, if that is what is the problem .... GOOD LUCK!

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