Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Is Tested When You Get Blood Work Done Question For Doctors..I Have Had Herpes, And Want To Know If I Still Have It? Do I Get Blood Work Done? ?

Question for Doctors..I have had herpes, and want to know if I still have it? Do I get blood work done? ? - what is tested when you get blood work done

Please, someone who is always a doctor or a nurse or had experience tested for herpes if you do not have a single answer at home .. Thank you.

They told me once when I went to a clinic for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases may not have herpes, unless I blood work done.
I bought a kit for herpes, which seems to get rid of herpes.
I think we can cure herpes, no matter what the doctors always say.
But I have different things, whether or not .. heard?
I heard a blood test (which is very expensive)
Then I heard someone say that his doctor told him that can only be detected by cleaning a wound or a house ..
I still have an outbreak in an LNGO time .. but if I want to know?
So I know through work in the blood?
Thank you.

4 comments: could be pregnant! said...

The blood test is between herpes outbreaks is conducted usualyl Serology .. Antibody response against the virus of herpes tests positive for latent antibosies IgG develep always HVS viruses usually do not disappear when someone a bone marrow transplant if she did not say in advance to test whether it is clear that sorry for the virus. .. I am a doctor, and, indeed, never never and IM sure that some people can your immune system to eliminate the herpes virus to say .. are permanent, but tend to settle epidemics in recent years and usually only if you or run your immune system drops, for example, during a flu, etc.

LINDA R said...

There is no cure for herpes, but medication can help, the severity and frequency of outbreaks. The virus can be transmitted even when there is no epidemic, but the risk of transmission without the epidemic is very low.

gavinisa... said...

I also have Web sites that say he can get rid of hpv2 always, but I asked my doctor told me never be able to get rid of genital herpes should be good health and are less likely to return,

I hope that helps

Kid Doc said...

Yes, you have your blood test ... Swab from the skin is that an active lesion. Let me know if the funds work

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