Monday, January 11, 2010

Black Marble Tile How To Remove Milk Stain Off The Black Marble Tiles?

How to remove milk stain off the black marble tiles? - black marble tile

Hello, spilled milk on my black marble tiles in the kitchen, and I was late for school, so that someone else, but when I came back, nobody ..... -_-In any case wwet took a towel and wipe the milk, but 30 seconds later, the stain was still there and I was like wtf ...... I tried again to clean the stain is gone, but tried only for 30 seconds after the THT THT, so many things, ie, Swiffer, Lysol, oxygen gel, but no! Nothing worked: '(Im so sad because my kitchen floor looks so bad, what should I do to remove this stain?


♥ †@ÿŁƏƏ♥ said...

To remove stains from marble to stain a paste of baking soda and bleach and cover with the paste. Cover the dough with a damp cloth, leave overnight, then wash and scrape waste. Rinse. Or you can try a commercial marble own. Good luck! =)

ramzee said...

white vinegar and water

Be blessed!

Ruby said...

A spot on our favorite clothes are probably the most boring experience. For some tips for removing stains on clothes http://tipsfromruby-toremovestains.blogs Try ... to combat a stubborn stains

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