Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cervical Cancer Foundation Hey Guys. How Many Of You Are As Pissed Off As I Am About The Inequities Of Male Vs Female Cancer Research?

Hey guys. How many of you are as pissed off as I am about the inequities of male vs female cancer research? - cervical cancer foundation

It seems that the support of research and money in search of breast cancer and cancer of the cervix is, while the testicular and prostate cancer, almost forgotten. Hell, there are a few thousand bases of breast cancer, but I can not find 1 of the testicles or the Organization of the prostate. They have now suddenly to prevent cancer of the cervix to. Wheres the research and development for all of us? All I want is equality in research time, money and treatment. I even called places like the American Cancer Society, citizen groups, many other nonprofit organizations that no one wants a little help with this or start a business. So I wanted to hear all your comments on


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