Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chinese Herbalist Please Help: Looking For Chinese And Indian Herbs (& Herbalist) In Singapore?

Please help: looking for Chinese and Indian herbs (& herbalist) in Singapore? - chinese herbalist


I'm going for three months through Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia since mid-September. Report Consumers of dietary supplements, herbs for my health, but also because of complications early as possible, to get through the customs (the herbs are given without the original packaging itself), I have to appreciate the people in China and India (Ayurveda to find), herbs the respective destination.

So I start with Singapore. Do you know of herbal medicine store, encapsulated in China and India, especially herbs? (I'm looking for other businesses because they are more likely the herbs you need.) So, why not a good herbalist? The names and suggestions for research on the Internet would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Chrisyon... said...

Visit the Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinatown and Little India in India Herbs. Although Chinese herbs in many homes, I am not sure Indian herbs.

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