Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is Exercise Okay During Herpes Outbreak Okay 2 Exercise During Early Pregnancy?

Okay 2 exercise during early pregnancy? - is exercise okay during herpes outbreak

I am 10w4d pregnant and I started worrying about my face. I am a very vain man, and have since I was a child. Is there a no-no for the exercise or advice?

I'm worried about the fat and stretch marks! I need help.


Anonymous said...

If modest body image is something ... Pregnancy is, trust me.

You can quite normal in the first quarter - when I have to second my doctor forbade me to do abdominal work, and that is quite common. At this time the muscles begin to change in order to be prepared for the track, done for the next six months.

Check your routine with your doctor and get information about what to do.

In general, however, if you are not a pregnancy without complications and high risks at all, you should be able to also continue to exercise as usual. You have to stop a moment to listen to your body as it is (in a training). And run everything by your doctor.

I'm almost 37 weeks and still my elliptical 45 minutes a day and for my whole pregnancy (I am a mother too much about weight gain, too! But less because I am very proud because I am morbidly obese and I used WAs in my slim all the time - a total of 100 pounds more than my all-time - if I am pregnant) without problems.

Try not to focus on the weight or stretch marks - you can not exist at all, not all women. Had I been, because I was fat, and if I lost the weight that turned white and were less noticeable, but not disappeared and have not yet red and ugly, as I had hoped for - even in my stomach.

Not part of your question, but food is also important. Make sure yours is good - take your prenatal and drink plenty of water (hard, all I can bear). I had an insatiable appetite for most of my pregnancy and it is normal that hunger - it's hard but correct. Do not skip meals or so (I do not let my stomach rumble in the evening after dinner because the kitchen is closed in my head), but you can not digest, your baby if you opt for midnight snacks.

Congratulations on your baby and good luck!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

You have to observe a balance between maintaining its size and security of your baby.Take what I believe to be very useful to find:) ...

Anonymous said...

Walking is the best thing you can do.

It must be the last question, what to expect when you expect to buy, it shows you different exercises you can do during pregnancy.

You can buy cream stripes on the chest and stomach! And do not worry, you will also find pretty cheap! I have a few on clearance and I bought HP as a 10!

Good luck with your pregnancy!

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